monk's residences:

most of residences at wearcadi temple looks uncomplete.
some's constructed for so long time and never restored.
looks no safe and un-pleased.

some must be restored.
better to docorate to be complete.
Look like a residence but it doesn't feel like.

As Buddhist, we sometimes feel like the temple's left.
Really the world's been changed.
Man mind's been changed too.
How can conserve onwards the Buddhism.
How can bring a young to the temple.
Mind's really been changed.

No money to support.
It most must be supported a technology civilization-material support.
It feels far from the mind happiness.
But no one reminds.

How do you feel after looking at the pic?
How do you think?
And how do you plan?

What does the word happen?
Support !
Help !
Visit !
Conserve ! or
Nothing happens!

This's an abbot's residence.
Look awful but feel peace after visitting.
Happy to arrive.
Pleased to touch.

This's meditation residence of an abbot.
He always lives in at night alone.
In the lent season all night he lives in to practice the meditation.
We dream of the new one-meditation residence.

It's better. one day it's done to be better.
We believe.
We trust.


"Sincerely welcome to our temple, village and simplicity-way of life."